Ep 123 | View from the Cab with Marc Arnusch
Since 2005, DTN Progressive Farmer has been selecting two farmers every year from various parts of the country to participate in their annual View from the Cab Project.
These farmers spend a full year getting to know DTN’s Pamela Smith as they work through weekly calls and check-ins, sharing their stories and their seasons with the rest of the broader farm community.
2022’s farmers are no exception, and today we’re happy to be joined by Colorado farmer Marc Arnusch to talk about water, farm business strategy, and thinking about the farm’s future.
We’ll dive in to Marc’s history with specialty crops, his exploration into the seed and distilling spaces, and learn more about his perspective on investment and growing the farm’s team. https://open.spotify.com/episode/0omW0UOwly34Qr8nT3B3xK